Multi-gig LAN ports and Wi-Fi 7: next-generation broadband CPE are entering European homes

With a growing number of European operators advertising multi-gig internet plans, a new generation of broadband CPE has to roll out across consumers’ homes to enable these 2Gbps, 5Gbps and even 10Gbps services. Gateways need to support faster connectivity, heavier applications and a rapidly growing number of connected devices in each home. Meanwhile, as fiber […]

YouTube and TikTok as undisputed champions of OTT advertising in a highly fragmented European market

In Europe, the OTT market is reaching a pivotal point this year. The whole industry is expected to weigh EUR 39 billion in 2024, and video advertising is the growth motor of the sector. By 2025, advertising revenues will represent over 40% of the market in value, a 4.5-point increase compared to 2023.  With Netflix, […]

From 5G to 6G in Asia, an embodiment of China’s rise amidst Japan’s decline

On March 1st, Japan’s Prime Minister Kishida validated the scrapping of the so-called “NTT law” in 2025. This law contains all rules applying to telecommunications operator NTT, which used to be  wholly state-owned. Among them stands the obligation for the company to disclose its R&D results, which hinders its global competitiveness. Indeed, NTT bets hard […]