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Demographic indicators
Economic indicators
Total Video Markets
TV distribution
TV broadcasters & channels
OTT & Video
TV technologies
TV infrastructures
Fixed broadband - retail
Fixed broadband - wholesale
Customer premises equipments (CPE)
Internet services
Advanced advertising
Sales & installed base
CTV market
Video game consoles
Cloud gaming
Airlines IFC offers
Satellite IFC solutions
Age structure
Total households
Electrified households
Migrant stock by nationality
Number of speakers by language
Gross domestic product
Total GDP by country
GDP per capita
Total expenditures per capita
Final consumption expenditures
Exchange rates
Total video markets
Video markets overview by region
Video markets overview by country
Pay TV by operator
Pay TV forecasts by operator
HD/4K pay TV by operator
TV channels packages & prices
FTA TV by operator
DTH subscribers by orbital position
FTA DTH channels by satellite
TV distribution - Country
TV forecasts by country
TV offer functionalities & definitions
Convergent services
Multiplay operators
Consumer revenues & unique clients
TV broadcasters & channels - Revenues
Revenues by broadcaster
Revenues by TV channel
Channels' distribution
Channels' subscriber reach
Packages and prices
Audience share
TV viewing time
Youtube channels of broadcasters
US broadcast networks by station
OTT platforms
AVOD & Paying OTT
Forecasts by service
Distribution's strategies
OTT partnerships tracker
OTT Premium channels (Amazon, Roku, Apple)
FAST MAUs & Channels
AVOD & FAST revenues
OTT platforms CTV reach
OTT video library analytics
Library volumes analytics by OTT service
Library analytics by title
OTT overview
OTT overview by country
OTT overview by region
OTT & Video - Country
Forecasts by country
Sports distribution
Premium sports distribution
Sports channels reach
Sports broadcasting rights
Sports teams and leagues
Sports teams and leagues revenues
Sports social media
Sports stadiums
Sports OTT tracker
Box office by country
Box office by film
TV and film production
TV and film production studios
TV programming costs
Content spend
TV technologies - Revenues
Media intelligence
TV & video hardware
Video delivery
Set-top box markets
Advanced set-top box deals
Advanced set-top box subscribers
Advanced set-top box forecasts
Terrestrial networks
Digital terrestrial television (ASTC / DVB / ISDB)
Terrestrial broadcast networks
TV infrastructures - Satellite
Satellite platforms revenues
Satellite platforms capacities
Retail market
Operators subscribers
Country overview & forecasts
10G+ forecasts
Broadband plans & pricing
Consumer revenues & clients
Satellite telecoms
LEO satellite
Fixed satellite
Fixed broadband overview
Fixed broadband overview by country
Fixed broadband overview by zone
Fixed broadband overview by group
Wholesale market
Fiber and cable infrastructure
Terrestrial infrastructure
10G+ tracker
Infrastructure forecasts
Infrastructure country focus
Fixed broadband - wholesale - Satellite telecoms
Platforms capacities
Advanced CPE tracker
Retail CPE tracker
Customer premise equipments (CPE) - Revenues
Broadband CPE vendors revenues
Mobile - Retail market
Plans & pricing
Mobile plans & pricing
Brands and operators
Independent Towerco
Mobile - Satellite
Mobile satellite services
Cloud storage
Operator tracker
Consumer cloud storage
Consumer cybersecurity
Consumer cybersecurity partnerships
Online services
Social media markets
Search engines
Forecasts of online revenues
Social media metrics by content creator
Internet audience
Internet users by country
Users by device
Net revenues
Revenues by media company
Country data & forecasts
Market structure
Advertising agencies
By media
Out-of-home (OOH)
Newspapers and magazines
Newspapers and magazines forecasts
Advertising expenditures (ADEX)
ADEX by brand
ADEX by country
Addressable TV
Addressable TV on set-top box
Addressable TV on HbbTV
Addressable TV forecasts
Addressable TV offers tracker
Connected TV (CTV)
CTV advertising
Installed base
Devices installed base
TV sets
Smart TVs by brand
Smart TV by OS
Video games consoles
Devices sales
Devices shipments by supplier worldwide
Devices sales by country
Devices sales revenues & ASP
Retail device market
TV sets offers & specifications
Retail CPE offers
Devices by OS
Advertising revenues
CTV OS Applications
Results by platform
Music streaming users
Market shares by streamer
Music market overview & forecasts
Music streaming forecasts
Music industry by country
Results by radio broadcaster
Net advertising
Public funding
Main podcast platforms
Podcasts markets by country
Radio markets
Video game publishers
Total revenues
Consoles installed base
Market share by console
Consoles shipments by supplier
Cloud gaming platforms
Active users
Market shares
B2B partnerships
Subscribers from B2B partnerships
B2B providers
In-flight connectivity in Airlines
Aircrafts equipped
IFC brands and offers
Airline commercial operating revenues
Airlines IFC offers - Satellite market
Satellite operators revenues
In-flight connectivity providers
Commercial IFC revenues
Historical evolution
Market shares of providers
Satellite solutions
Satellite operators
Areas covered
Band (C-band / Ku)
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