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Broadband Worldwide
Market Intelligence Service
Part of the Telecom market intelligence area, the latest trends in the Voice and fixed Broadband industries are tracked in the Broadband market intelligence service, through a comprehensive selection of indicators covering subscribers, revenues and offers’ technology characteristics including fiber, cable, DSL and fixed wireless accesses. Consumer home broadband offers are thoroughly followed with a strong focus set on speed and functionalities. Annual subscribers and revenues forecasts provide valuable insights into the future market trends and challenges awaiting the actors of the industry.
This service provides a comprehensive coverage of the:
- aDSL, vDSL, cable, FTTx, wireless internet, internet speed, fixed voice
- Consumer broadband offers
- Telecom and Satellite infrastructure
through a wide range of in-depth financial and operational metrics. Historical and forecasts are provided in both dynamic dashboards and source table formats.
This quarterly and annually updated comprehensive database includes advanced detailed figures, split by operator, technology, service and country including:
Broadband and fixed line – Data by country and operator
- Internet retail market subscribers: aDSL, vDSL, cable, FTTx, wireless internet
- Fixed voice subscribers
- Quarterly history from 2002
- Regions: Worldwide
Broadband and fixed line forecasts – Data by country
- Internet retail and wholesale market: aDSL, vDSL, cable, FTTx, wireless internet
- Internet penetration by speed
- Fixed voice subscribers
- Yearly history from 2003 with 5-year forecasts
- Regions: Worldwide
Consumer broadband offers – Data by country and operator
- Access specificities: Docsis 3.1, S.Vector, FTTB Ethernet, Hybrid DSL/4G-5G, Fixed 4G-5G
- Details on the offers deployed by operators: MB up/down, Cap in GB, Monthly price, Wifi routeur, Activation/ installation fee
- Regions: Europe
10G+ tracker – Data by country and operator
- 10G+ deployments by operator including GPON, 10GPON, 25GPON, 50GPON, XGSPON, Docsis 4.0
- Deployments from 2017
- Regions: Europe
Tier 1/2/3 US Operators network by technology – NEW
- Technology used: cable, DSL, Fiber, Fixed wireless (FWA)
- Network coverage by operator
- Network location by operator
- Data by country and operator
- Regions: North America
Any corporate subscription includes unlimited number of users and unlimited usage of the inquiry service – no hidden fees.
array(2) { ["Broadband"]=> array(15) { ["FTTx subscribers"]=> string(201) "FTTx subscribers (Quarterly) FTTx Internet subscribers (fiber to the home or the building, including ethernet distribution inside the building)." ["FTTx subscribers (US)"]=> string(221) "FTTx subscribers (US) (Quarterly) North American FTTx Internet subscribers (fiber to the home or the building, including ethernet distribution inside the building)." ["Fixed wireless Internet subscribers"]=> string(259) "Fixed wireless Internet subscribers (Quarterly) Fixed wireless internet comprises signals delivered to the home without wired equipments. It includes fixed LTE and fixed 5G, WiMAX and VSAT for instance." ["Fixed wireless Internet subscribers (US)"]=> string(279) "Fixed wireless Internet subscribers (US) (Quarterly) North American fixed wireless internet comprises signals delivered to the home without wired equipments. It includes fixed LTE and fixed 5G, WiMAX and VSAT for instance." ["Internet cable subscribers"]=> string(208) "Internet cable subscribers (Quarterly) Internet subscribers of cable tv operators using the Docsis/EuroDocsis standard and the cable tv intrastructure." ["Internet cable subscribers (US)"]=> string(217) "Internet cable subscribers (US) (Quarterly) North American Internet subscribers of cable tv operators using the Docsis standard and the cable tv intrastructure." ["Total fixed telephony lines"]=> string(174) "Total fixed telephony lines (Quarterly) Total number of fixed telephony lines of all types (PSTN, VoIP, wireless...)." ["Total fixed wireline Internet subscribers"]=> string(199) "Total fixed wireline Internet subscribers (Quarterly) Includes residential and business Internet subscribers to Cable Internet, xDSL and FTTx." ["Total fixed wireline Internet subscribers (US)"]=> string(219) "Total fixed wireline Internet subscribers (US) (Quarterly) Includes North American residential and business Internet subscribers to Cable Internet, xDSL and FTTx." ["Total fixed wireline and wireless Internet subscribers"]=> string(246) "Total fixed wireline and wireless Internet subscribers (Quarterly) Includes residential and business subscribers to cable Internet, xDSL, FTTx, data-only mobile and fixed wireless Internet." ["Total fixed wireline and wireless Internet subscribers (US)"]=> string(327) "Total fixed wireline and wireless Internet subscribers (US) (Quarterly) The total fixed wireline and wireless internet subscribers includes, for each North American operator, residential and business subscribers to cable internet, xDSL, FTTx and fixed wireless internet." ["aDSL subscribers"]=> string(147) "aDSL subscribers (Quarterly) Subscribers to xDSL lines with connexion speed under 30 Mb/s." ["vDSL subscribers"]=> string(213) "vDSL subscribers (Quarterly) Subscribers to vDSL (Very-high-bit-rate digital subscriber line) and superior versions enabling minimum speeds at least 30Mb/s." ["xDSL subscribers"]=> string(136) "xDSL subscribers (Quarterly) Retail Internet subscribers using the xDSL access." ["xDSL subscribers in the USA (US)"]=> string(167) "xDSL subscribers in the USA (US) (Quarterly) North American retail Internet subscribers using the xDSL access." } ["xForecast"]=> array(21) { ["FTTx subscribers"]=> string(189) "FTTx subscribers FTTx Internet subscribers (fiber to the home or the building, including ethernet distribution inside the building)." ["Fixed 5G subscribers"]=> string(247) "Fixed 5G subscribers Total number of fixed wireless 5G subscriptions of the operator during the quarter under review. The fixed 5G subscribers are equipped with a 5G-capable internet router." ["Fixed wireless Internet subscribers"]=> string(247) "Fixed wireless Internet subscribers Fixed wireless internet comprises signals delivered to the home without wired equipments. It includes fixed LTE and fixed 5G, WiMAX and VSAT for instance." ["Fixed wireline Internet household penetration"]=> string(248) "Fixed wireline Internet household penetration Penetration of wired internet within residential homes in a country. The figure includes all wired accesses: ADSL, VDSL, Internet cable and FTTx." ["Fixed wireline Internet population penetration"]=> string(230) "Fixed wireline Internet population penetration Fixed wireline Internet subscribers (residential & business) as percentage of the population. Exclude fixed wireless internet." ["Fixed wireline and wireless Internet population penetration"]=> string(227) "Fixed wireline and wireless Internet population penetration Fixed wireline and wireless subscribers includes: internet cable, xDSL, FTTx and mobile data-only subscribers." ["Internet cable subscribers"]=> string(147) "Internet cable subscribers Internet cable subscribers using Docsis based standard and HFC." ["LLU market share of xDSL market"]=> string(287) "LLU market share of xDSL market Share of xDSL LLU subscribers on total xDSL subscribers. xDSL LLU subscribers are aDSL and vDSL subscribers based on alternative operators xDSL offers using unbundling (includes wholesale & retail)." ["Share of Internet subscribers 10Mb to 30Mb"]=> string(184) "Share of Internet subscribers 10Mb to 30Mb Share of fixed wireline Internet subscribers with download speed from 10MBs to 30Mbs" ["Share of Internet subscribers 2Mb to 10Mb"]=> string(182) "Share of Internet subscribers 2Mb to 10Mb Share of fixed wireline Internet subscribers with download speed from 2MBs to 10Mbs" ["Share of Internet subscribers 30Mb to 100Mb"]=> string(186) "Share of Internet subscribers 30Mb to 100Mb Share of fixed wireline Internet subscribers with download speed from 30MBs to 100Mbs" ["Share of Internet subscribers above 100Mb"]=> string(176) "Share of Internet subscribers above 100Mb Share of fixed wireline Internet subscribers with download speed above 100Mbs" ["Share of Internet subscribers below 2Mb"]=> string(173) "Share of Internet subscribers below 2Mb Share of fixed wireline Internet subscribers with download speed below 2Mbs." ["Total fixed telephony lines"]=> string(161) "Total fixed telephony lines Total number of fixed telephony lines of all types (PSTN, VoIP, wireless...)" ["Total fixed wireline Internet subscribers"]=> string(206) "Total fixed wireline Internet subscribers Includes total residential and business Internet subscribers to xDSL, FTTx and Internet cable in a country." ["Total fixed wireline and wireless Internet subscribers"]=> string(228) "Total fixed wireline and wireless Internet subscribers Includes total residential and business subscribers to cable Internet, xDSL, FTTx and data-only mobile in a country." ["aDSL subscribers"]=> string(135) "aDSL subscribers Subscribers to xDSL lines with connexion speed under 30 Mb/s." ["vDSL subscribers"]=> string(201) "vDSL subscribers Subscribers to vDSL (Very-high-bit-rate digital subscriber line) and superior versions enabling minimum speeds at least 30Mb/s." ["xDSL subscribers"]=> string(170) "xDSL subscribers Retail internet subscribers using the xDSL (Digital Subscriber Line) access, both aDSL and vDSL." ["xDSL subscribers via LLU operator"]=> string(230) "xDSL subscribers via LLU operator Total number of aDSL & vDSL subscribers that are based on alternative operators xDSL offers using unbundling (includes wholesale & retail)." ["xDSL subscribers via incumbent operator"]=> string(210) "xDSL subscribers via incumbent operator Total number of aDSL & vDSL subscribers that are based on the incumbent xDSL offers (includes wholesale & retail)" } }Broadband Historical & Forecasts

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string(7) "telecom"